Family, Senior , Branding Portraits

Family, Senior , Branding Portraits

Capture your family's story with timeless portraits that celebrate your unique bond. Our family portraits photography service aims to freeze moments of joy, laughter, and love, preserving them for generations to come. Whether it's a cherished tradition, a milestone celebration, or simply a moment of togetherness, we specialize in creating captivating images that reflect the warmth and connection within your family.

There’s so much more to photography than the click of the shutter. I’ve spent years working hard on my craft, investing in gear, and education. Your investment reflects the value of the skills I’ve acquired and the services I provide. I go the extra mile diving deep into your story making sure we capture your unique legacy…exactly as you remember it.

*Pricing for each family portrait photography package includes children and both parents. Additional family members (such as cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) and/or pets require an extra fee of $25 per person or pet.

Contact us now to schedule your session and embark on a journey to capture memories that will last a lifetime. Don't wait, create memories worth framing today!

Portrait Photography Packages:

Seniors, Engagements, Headshots: With up to 2 outfit changes

At Team Notaro Photography, we believe in delivering exceptional quality and personalized service to every client. Our creative fee covers the cost of our professional expertise, time, and creative vision dedicated to crafting stunning photographs that capture the essence of your special moments.

A $200 non-refundable Creative fee is due at the time of your booking to secure your date.

Capture & Cherish


  • 10 Hi Res Digital Downloads

  • Printing Rights

Lens & Legacy


  • 20 Hi Res Digital Downloads

  • Printing Rights


Frame & Forever

  • 30 Hi Res Digital Downloads

  • Heirloom Folio Box Set w/ Ten 4x6 Prints

  • Printing Rights